
Ecommerce SEO Case Study: 213% Increase in Monthly Organic Revenue in 12 months

213% increase in monthly organic revenue

Not all ecommerce SEO campaigns face the same painpoints and that was especially so for this client in the electrical supply industry.

This client faced a unique hurdle in being a multi-location retail business that was attempting to influence its in-person customer base to make more online purchases after having invested in a robust ecommerce solution for their website.

While they knew their customers trusted making purchases in person, they understood that the future of their industry was online and wanted to get ahead of the curve. 

Where They Started

After getting some ecommerce momentum, this client noticed they were hitting a ceiling with their organic revenue. From the end of Q4 2020 and through Q1 2021 they could not break past $20,000/mo in organic revenue.

Google Analytics Organic Revenue Screenshot

Wanting to make a change, this client reached out to us towards the end of the spring/early summer of 2021 and we conducted an audit to determine what was holding them back from ecommerce success. 

SEO Audit Findings

Considering this site had had some success and momentum, we knew a comprehensive SEO audit would help us uncover the issues holding them back and help our team put together a comprehensive SEO strategy.

We had four main takeaways after taking a look at this client’s website:

  1. Lack of On-Page Optimization
  2. Technical Issues Affecting Overall Performance
  3. Lack of Supporting Content
  4. Lack of Relevant Backlinks

On-Page Issues

On-Page SEO is a key and often overlooked part of doing SEO. While it may seem simple, making a few tweaks to your website will communicate to Google in a way that is beneficial for your website and the keywords you rank for. 

For this client, they had collection, product, service, and location pages that were completely out of alignment with their target keywords. 

Technical SEO Issues

While some technical issues are obvious, such as broken links or 404 errors, this site had a much larger issue surrounding canonical tags, duplicate content, and allowing their internal search queries to be indexed. 

Supporting Content

An issue that we commonly see and found on this client’s website was a lack of supporting content. Google loves fresh content that provides a bit of topical clarity for what you do and what your website is about.

In addition to the topical relevance, you are also adding opportunities to add valuable internal links, which help pass authority and connect ideas across your website, making it easier for Google to understand those relationships as well.

Relevant Backlinks

Since this client had an ecommerce and a local/retail aspect to it, we analyzed both their business listings and citations and their backlink profile. 

What we found were some inaccuracies with their listings and they had yet to build any backlinks to support their new ecommerce initiative. 

What We Did

On-Page Fixes

Our team spent time identifying the buying intent keywords that would improve rankings and drive sales for their most top-level pages. 

We then used the buying intent keywords to better optimize the meta titles, descriptions, heading tags, and URL slugs of these pages.

Technical SEO Fixes

The canonical, duplicate content and indexing of the site’s search queries proved to be a massive headache for Google.

We worked directly with the web development team to make sure the code of the site and the robots.txt file was updated in a way that would allow Google to properly crawl the website and ensure the correct pages that would drive sales would wind up getting indexed on Google.

Content Creation

For this client, we helped add a wide range of content and also supplied their content team with insights on how to improve their content efforts as well. We focused on creating new value-added service pages, unique location page content, and blog posts. 

This content helped the site rank for many untapped keywords related to the retail side of the business, but it also opened up valuable opportunities for internal linking that allowed this content to support the e-commerce collection and product pages on the site as well.

Backlink Building & Citation Cleanup

We had our team work on cleaning up existing business listings and citations to help with their local retail presence and then also worked on building topically relevant links from websites that covered topics directly and adjacently related to this client’s industry. 

The Results: 213% Increase in Monthly Organic Revenue

Google Analytics Organic Revenue Screenshot improvement

As you can see from the Google Analytics screenshot above, we were able to very quickly help them break over the $20k/mo organic revenue mark that they had been struggling to surpass. 

And then, after sticking with their SEO investment for an entire year, they reached new all-time high organic revenue months by hitting back-to-back $50k+ months in May and June of 2022, with June boasting a 213% increase in organic revenue from when we started with them.


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